Vertical School Masterplanning - Western Sydney Education Precinct
A design that will assist with the establishment of innovative teaching techniques nurtured by the built environment.

Liverpool Education Masterplan, developed in 2018, is an exploration into the future development of the Liverpool Precinct. The first site for the proposed School Masterplan is situated on the existing Liverpool Public School site located on Railway Street, the second site is located at the existing Liverpool Boys and Girls High School on Forbes Street. Both school sites are located in the heart of the Liverpool CBD, to the north of the Liverpool Hospital. The masterplan includes the school subject sites in addition to the surrounding context and factors which may influence the design of the precincts. The purpose of the masterplan is to ensure cohesive campus development over time in parallel to the overall precinct study area, balancing the changing needs of the school and the community, including current and future learning and teaching pedagogy, environments, space and change. The built environment must retain the ability to embody the values and aspirations of the Department by being adaptable through flexibility, affordable through efficiency, and sustainable by design.
The masterplan will assist in the establishment of innovative teaching techniques nurtured by the built environment, as well as the day to day needs of the school. It will also be used as a tool for review, assessment and continual improvement as the schools are established and continue to grow, as well as assessment of the needs of the surrounding community. The masterplan is not intended as a static document, but a live one that informs and is informed by each phase of capital development and growth at regular intervals well into the future.